Adding Postgres and ActiveRecord
Getting started - adding dependencies to your project
Guides, tutorials and labs to accompany CMU's Programming for Online Prototypes (49-714).
Everything you need to know about building microservices for the web with Ruby and Sinatra.
To make your Sinatra application respond to incoming SMS commands is pretty easy. Earlier you mapped your Twilio number to an endpoint GET /sms/incoming
. Now we just need to add information to hook that up.
Create or modify the route definition to look like the following:
get "/sms/incoming" do
# sessions work with Twilio
session["counter"] ||= 1
# Get the incoming SMS message content i.e. Body
# and the who the SMS is From
body = params[:Body] || ""
sender = params[:From] || ""
# respond with a Media URL
# only if it's the first message
if session["counter"] == 1
message = "Thanks for your first message. From #{sender} saying #{body}"
media = ""
message = "Thanks for message number #{ session["counter"] }. From #{sender} saying #{body}"
media = nil
# Build a twilio response object
# This will be sent back in XML
twiml = do |r|
r.message do |m|
# add the text of the response
m.body( message )
# add media if it is defined
unless media.nil? media )
# increment the session counter
session["counter"] += 1
# send a response to twilio
content_type 'text/xml'